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Instituto Center Norte, a non-profit organization at Cidade Center Norte, is a finalist in the 21st edition of Prêmio Caio, an initiative that, since 1999, recognizes and values the work of companies and professionals in the event and tourism segment. The organization competes in the Sustainability category with the Recicla NZ Circuit, an innovative action with the goal of promoting awareness regarding the pollution caused by the indiscriminate use and improper disposal of plastic and other materials.
Held on August 25th, 2019, during the 9th edition of Virada Sustentável São Paulo, the project took place in partnership with MGN Consultoria and proposed the practice of trekking at the same time participants collected garbage and urban waste. The participants walked a 2 km route, beginning at Center Norte parking area, passing by Avenida Moysés Roysen, Praça Mashiach Now, Avenida Zaki Narchi, Avenida Otto Baumgart and ending at the CGR (Waste Management Center) of Cidade Center Norte, at the parking area of Lar Center. The concept of the action was inspired in the sportive activity plogging, developed by the Swedish environmentalist Erik Ahlström.
In addition to collecting solid waste from streets and squares, the activity stimulated healthy habits and encouraged the exercise of citizenship and solidarity. Overall, 125.5 kg of recycled material were collected by the participants of the Recycle NZ Circuit, which were duly separated at the CGR for the correct destination.
Daniela Pavan, Sustainability Manager at Cidade Center Norte, points out that the purpose of Instituto Center Norte is to contribute to improving the quality of life of the residents of the northern region of the city and the development of this part of town. “One of our working strategies is operating in a network, which aims to promote connection and dialog among several social players and strengthen opportunities, optimize resources and share solutions. We know that introducing sustainable practices in the population is a continuous educational process. We were very happy and grateful with the engagement of families, with children and pets, who participated in the walk, which reinforced our commitment to contribute to the awareness of the importance of sustainability. Caring for the environment is a duty for all of us”, says the executive.
The 21st edition of the Caio Award will take place on December 15th at Expo Center Norte, following all the health and safety protocols established by the competent authorities.
About Instituto Center Norte
Instituto Center Norte is a non-profit organization, founded by Cidade Center Norte, whose purpose is to help improve the quality of life and income of the residents of the northern region of São Paulo. Operations started in 2002 and, since then, Instituto Center Norte seeks to increasingly contribute to the residents’ personal and professional development, as well as to implement solutions and innovations in social actions that aim to make the north area more sustainable.
Press information:
CDI Comunicação (Cidade Center Norte)
Débora Camargo – – +55 (11) 97244-5211
Caroline Pasternack – – +55 (11) 96064-6491
Marcia Avruch – – +55 (11) 98397-7805