About Us
One city,
many different engagements
Cidade Center Norte is one of the most important business hubs in Latin America. It started with Center Norte, in 1984, followed by Lar Center, the first mall in the country directed at the decoration industry; after that, Expo Center Norte was founded, an exhibition and convention center that hosts events of international level and soon after Novotel São Paulo Center Norte, a high-standard hotel chain, and finally Instituto Center Norte, a non-profit organization that aims at improving the quality of life of the population from the North area of the city.
Over an area of over 6 million square feet in the heart of the North region of the city, Cidade Center Norte is at privileged location with easy access from the main roads and highways of the city, close to Terminal Rodoviário do Tietê and only 13 km away from Guarulhos International Airport.
Get to know all the developments of Cidade Center Norte and find out why it is a privileged place to visit, to do business, to work and, in the future, to live.

Enterprises of
Cidade Center Norte
The family mall
One of the largest shopping malls in Latin America, with over 300 stores and a complete mix of options for shopping, dining, entertaining and services for the whole family.
• Founded in 1984
• The first mall in the North area of São Paulo
• One of the most loved and reminded shopping malls by São Paulo citizens
• Over 330 stores, in a space that also has movie theaters, two food courts and a variety of services
• Total area of 1,528,475 ft²
• 80 thousand visitors a day and about 120 thousand on special dates.
The mall for your home
The first decoration-themed mall in Brazil. With over 100 stores, everything related to the “home” segment in one place only.
• Founded in 1987
• The first themed mall in the city of São Paulo
• One of the greatest references in the city in architecture, design and decoration
• About 90 stores, including movie theaters, gym and restaurants
• Total area of 549,000 ft²
• About 20 thousand visitors a day and around 30 thousand on special occasions like holidays and events
Hotels and Resorts
The only world class hotel in the northern region of the city, managed by Grupo Accor, one of the biggest hotel chains in the world.
The hotel also features a spacious convention center, with an independent entrance and of the biggest in the city.
• Founded in 2000
• The only world class hotel in the northern region of the city
• Managed by Grupo Accor, one of the biggest hotel chains in the world
• 363 apartments for the most diverse public profiles
• Convention Center and meeting rooms with a total area of 31,000 ft²
Exhibition and Convention Center
One of the largest and most adaptable spaces for fairs and events in South America, it occupies a total area of over 1 million square feet, features 5 pavilions and is capable of having several simultaneous events.
At our international standard convention center, you can count on 21 acoustically isolated modular rooms with a capacity of up to 4,500 people simultaneously.
• Founded in 1993
• One of the largest and most adaptable spaces for fairs and events in South America
• 5 pavilions
• 21 auditoriums
• 1,000,000 ft² of total area
• Capacity for up to 4,500 simultaneous visitors
For a more innovative and sustainable North area
Instituto Center Norte is a non-profit organization founded by Cidade Center Norte in 2002 with the aim of helping improve quality of life and income of the residents of the North area of São Paulo (SP). The institution is part of the People pillar of the Elo Program and is in charge of all initiatives connected to citizenship in Cidade Center Norte.Our efforts seek to contribute to the personal and professional development of the population as well as for the implementation of solutions and innovations in the social action, so that the northern area of the city becomes a sustainable development pole.
Mission, Vision and Values
To be a leader in the sustainable development of the northern region of the city as a reference in quality of life by promoting access to health, education, culture and entertainment ALWAYS keeping the respect to people.
To be recognized as the largest and most modern multipurpose complex, developing innovative businesses in retail, entertainment, services and events in a synergetic way that cause a positive impact on internal and external stakeholders in the northern region of São Paulo and which are relevant for the city.
ORGANIZATION AND DISCIPLINE – Dedication to work with organization, structure, and perseverance.
HONESTY – Honesty in relationships and attitudes. Being clear, transparent and ethical.
WORK / FAMILY – Creating a welcoming and professional environment, where family values are always present.
RESPECT – Respect for others, shown by listening without judgment and freedom of expression.
HUMILITY – Basing our internal and external relationships on principles of equality and justice, without any kind of personalism.
SIMPLICITY – To seek simplicity in work processes and relationships, generating agility, willingness and quality.
COURAGE – Having the courage to expose oneself, to dare and to undertake solutions.
WORKING WITH INCONFORMITY – Being healthily non-conformist. Always seek new alternatives and possibilities for action for the good of the Organization.
Our Code
of Conduct
Cidade Center Norte is part Grupo Baumgart, a multi-business conglomerate with over 1,000 employees and 84 years of history, whose culture is based on the pillars of credibility, trust, reputation, convenience, ease and excellence. Read our Code of Conduct and learn how we align our values with attitudes and behaviors on a daily basis.

For me the big difference of the group is that we put into practice the values of the company on a daily basis, such as respect, work and family. We reinforce our commitment to the purpose of placing corporate sustainability as the purpose of our operations and the fundamental premise of the management of our business, aiming to generate positive and simultaneous results, for all our stakeholders, internal and external, in economic, environmental and social aspects. .

The closeness and partnership of the departments makes the other employees, in fact, like a second family for me. I think that the company's engagement in human and social issues provides us with this pleasant environment, which ends up making our lives easier in the execution of daily tasks. After all, what makes the company move forward is this: the union, partnership, integration of departments and, of course, the dedication of all its employees!

On the day of my hiring, I heard the question "" are you ready? "" And this question has been motivating me every day to overcome obstacles, to be better and to believe in dreams.
With admiration and pride of the team I work for and believing in the culture and values of the company, being part of the CCN team brings me immense gratitude!

In addition, the atmosphere is relaxed and friendly, and I am part of a team that supports itself at all times, celebrating each achievement and rolling up its sleeves to help when challenges arise!
It is undoubtedly a company that goes beyond the basics and that we are proud to be part of!

The company's values and culture inspire me to do my best.
This gives me the assurance that my professional growth is in good hands and in what depends on me I will do my best.
In addition, the feeling that together we will go further is what fuels my day to day.

In addition to this welcoming environment, I received confidence and autonomy to face the challenges that presented themselves at that time, along with preparation and training.
Working in this city is inspiring, it is taking challenges daily and being encouraged to overcome them, it is getting out of your comfort zone, quickly and in an innovative way. And doing that with a tough team makes work a source of achievement.
And that has been the case since then, a mutual and very rich exchange of experiences and inspirations. Thank you City Center North.

In addition, I can clearly say that CCN is a welcoming place, I made friends and learned a lot from people who were willing to teach me. Now, effective and with all the knowledge I had during that period, I feel prepared and ready for the new challenges that await me. Working in Cidade Centro Norte makes me evolve as a professional and as a person, and it has been very rewarding to be here and to be able to see my evolution.

Today I am grateful to be here! 15 years have passed since I am part of the Center Norte Family with great pride and I try to give my best every day, learning and developing so that we can continue with an engaged team and who enjoy being in the position that they are doing what they do together to provide personalized service to our customers. At the moment we are living, being part of a company that seeks to reinvent itself every day thinking about every detail for the well-being of its employees and customers so that when entering the North and Lar Center Malls, they continue to feel safe as if they were in home, this is called trust in the work we do is the certainty that together we are stronger!

Cidade Center Norte has a vision of continuous improvement, always looking for news in the market. I am having access to several solutions, it has been a fantastic and challenging place for my professional and personal development. The work environment is very relaxed, people are welcoming, my managers are always willing to listen and put new ideas into practice, I feel that I really make a difference in the company.
Working in Cidade Centro Norte is motivating!
Corporate Governance
Grupo Baumgart adopts Corporate Governance practices for the sustainability and longevity of its business.
The enterprises of Cidade Center Norte are directed, monitored and encouraged, following the principles of Corporate Governance adopted by Grupo Baumgart. They align interests with the purpose of preserving and optimizing long-term economic value.

Awards and
2012 DCI Award.
The most admired companies in the industry
2016 Parceiro de Visão Award
Category: Marketing Event and Promotions. Case: Slumber party with the Easter bunny.
2016 Abrasce Gold Award.
Category: Marketing Event and Promotions. Case: Slumber party with the Easter bunny.
2018 Supporter Award
Silver Category: Fundação Gol de Letra
2019 Supporter Award
Silver Category: Fundação Gol de Letra
2019 Abrasce Gold Award
2019 Abrasce Gold Award
2019-2020 Municipal Human Rights and Diversity Award
Business Highlight Award
Associação Comercial de São Paulo
A Citizen
Learn about some of Cidade Center Norte initiatives and how they are contributing to citizenship and sustainability in our enterprises.
Cooperative Kiosk
Cooperative Kiosk is a space inside Center Norte dedicated for the use of NGOs and third sector institutions to sell products and improve their income and visibility of their work. Every three months, a new NGO may use the space.
Nowadays, the Cooperative Kiosk serves as part of the education in entrepreneurship of project Mulheres Empreendedoras, in a partnership established with Rede Asta, through which craftswomen who have completed the course are in charge of the management of the Kiosk and have to be responsible for product replacement, pricing, visual identity and customer relation, a way of reinforcing their learning.
Entre Rodas
The #NÃOÉMITO project encourages the exchange of soda can pull-tabs for hugs, and with the sale of the product, Entre Rodas buys customized wheelchairs made of aeronautic aluminum painted in the colors the kids wish.
Cidade Center Norte supports such an important and helpful project because we understand the importance of our clients participation in this campaign and with that reinforce our commitment to the process of initiative engagement.
Sessão Azul
After years of listening, observing and living the experiences of families of people with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD), we identified several cases in which family members stopped having a greater social interaction for fear of the autistic’s reaction in situations that may not be so comfortable for them. Some of them, such as going to the mall, restaurants, parties, or to the movies, apparently easy for people who do not suffer from ASD, can be very uncomfortable for autistic people.
CineMaterna are movie sessions for mothers with babies of up to 18 months of age, in which dads and companions are also welcome. At Center Norte, they take place monthly, with promotions like free tickets for some mothers.
The movies are for the adults’ entertainment, and the movie theaters are equipped to welcome babies with all the comfort: reduced sound, changing table in the room, softer air-conditioning and a mildly lit environment.
Instituto Center Norte: changing the present
and the future of the North area of the city
Instituto Center Norte is a non-profit organization founded by Cidade Center Norte in 2002 with the aim of helping improve quality of life and income of the residents of the North area of São Paulo (SP). The institution is part of the People pillar of the Elo Program and is in charge of all initiatives connected to citizenship in Cidade Center Norte.
Our efforts seek to contribute to the personal and professional development of the population as well as for the implementation of solutions and innovations in the social action, so that the northern area of the city becomes a sustainable development pole.